This is much summarized topic which will cover the complete process to upload, edit or export data using Microsoft Excel in Microsoft Dynamics 365.
Note: Microsoft Dynamics office add-in required Microsoft Office 2016 with Dynamics 365.
To Install the Dynamics office add-in, you will need to click on the following link;
After Installing Microsoft Office Add-ins, you will need to open Microsoft Excel to view, edit or upload records in Microsoft Dynamics 365.
You have to click on Insert (Tab) > My Add ins
In My Add-ins, you will see Microsoft Dynamics Office Add-ins which enables data connections to Microsoft Dynamics 365. Click on insert after select the Microsoft Dynamics Office Add-ins.
You will find a Pane on the right side of Microsoft Excel with the name of Microsoft Dynamics where it will ask you some configuration like Microsoft Dynamics 365 server information to enable the data connectivity between excel.
Click on “Add server information”.
Type the URL of your Microsoft Dynamics 365 server in the Server URL box and click Ok
This will prompt you for Confirm changes or not. If you have updated something in the existing data connection then you can click on No to undo the changes otherwise it has to be Yes to provide the data entities of the provided URL server.
You will get the design options after connecting with the Dynamics 365 server.
Click on design to get the Dynamics Entities for export , edit or upload the data.
In design option you will get following option:
· Add Table—to add new table in the sheet
· Add Fields—to add new field in sheet
· Labels – to add a column label in the sheet
I have selected Vendor entity data source from the list
Then I have selected the required field to upload the data in Vendors
Click on next, this will ask you a confirmation regarding data refresh or clear the previous data.
Click on Done once you saw the select fields on the sheet.
Click on Refresh to export the data in the select fields
This will export all data, but publish button will be disabled because we have not select all primary and form required fields in the current sheet.
In following screen, we can see publish button is enabled. I have selected the primary and form required fields in the sheet to upload data.
I have to inset new rows by clicking on the New, and paste the required data to upload.
After complete the sheet just press the Publish button and Cheers.
In the following screen you can see the primary and form required field identification.